Monday, June 04, 2007

My shirt today says "BUSH HATES ME"

I think I'm caught up - for the next few days, at least - on my work. Which means I'm free nights. Who's up for a drink? Or a bike ride?

Anyway, I've spent most of my free time doing political reading online. I was telling Chris yesterday - as I've told my mother at one point in the last month - that the Bushies were closet fascists. Fortunately, our culture holds them somewhat to task (for the time being). But will it work in the long run? How do you think people would react to unfettered executive privilege? And speaking of Bushie fascism, Andrew Sullivan compares now-legal "enhanced interrogation techniques" to those of the Nazis, including documentation from the post-WWII war crimes tribunals.

I wonder what Germany felt like in the 1920s?

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