Friday, December 01, 2006

All we've gotten so far was a rain of little fucking ice pellets that sting when they hit you

Dana asked me out to the Hideout tonight to see her friend's band play, which was OK. Put it this way: I want to listen to Piebald's 4th record again. Plus I got a beer out of it, even if it was FreeBR.

After that, I rode up to Delilah's for ska night, and I ended up talking with Chuck for almost two hours. I was so hungry then, that I went around the corner to 3 Panchos and got myself a burrito before riding home.

We were supposed to have a ton of snow tonight. All we've gotten so far was a rain of little fucking ice pellets that sting when they hit you, and accumulate into slush rather than snow. Fuck that. It's sometimes annoying to bike through - probably since my shoes and socks got soaked - but it was fun nonetheless.

I got home after 1am. and now I'm just starting to get sleepy.

I'm spinning ska night at Delilah's Christmas week. Come out and keep me company; I'll play some songs for you.