Monday, September 04, 2006

It was all spent on my immune system

I just confirmed that I have a 7:00am lecture tomorrow morning. Fuckin' A'. At least I know for sure I have a lecture this week, unlike last week when I showed up early and ended up just reading for an hour.

Despite thawing and marinating some beef tenderloin, I ordered some nice rich fatty Italian food from Leona's and stuffed myself. Plus I have more than enough left over for lunch tomorrow. Sweet, right? And only for $17 or so.

I'm slowly recovering. I'm at that stage of recovery where I have enough energy for basal function, but no reserves. I ran up the last few steps from doing laundry and was so tired and out of breath I just *knew* I had no more energy reserves left. It was all spent on my immune system this weekend. But I have appetite again and I guess I'm ready for the week to begin. I ended up taking it easy all day and never got socks and didn't go out tonight except to pick up my food order.

Henry Rollins, from One From None:

There were things I wanted to tell you
I couldn't get it together
I couldn't get past your eyes
After you were gone it hurt to have kept quiet
So easy to not say what you think
To not do what you want
Hard to take rejection
Easy to hurt someone else and not know it
Easy to make it hard


In case anyone was wondering, the Crocodile Hunter is dead. I know it's in bad taste, but is anyone else not surprised that, in a fluke of bad luck, he was killed by an animal that normally poses little or no threat to people?

Still marinating in front of the TV and computer while I practice recuperation. Debating whether to head out anywhere tonight. I think I need new socks. Guiafennesin and lots of fluids may solve my lingering congestion.