Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm sure you'll learn to dance and drink and dream, but you might still feel lost

I should have learned from the past and brought something substantial to read to the Loved Ones show tonight. All I had with was Friday's Derailleur, which I read in about five minutes. The Bomb record that was playing between sets was better than the first band, and Jeff Dean, coincidentally, was the guitarist for the next band, Four Star Alarm.

Some kid in a NOFX T-shirt was showing off his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tattoo. I wonder how he'll feel about that in ten years?

The Loved Ones put on a good set, but despite having only one full length out, they shy away from their previous EP live. Still a ton of fun. They finally added a second guitar player so Dave can riff. One of the best things about that band is Dave's ability to talk shit from the stage. That's what makes a good show, the shit you won't hear on record. I was able to sing and dance and rock out, and it was good.

My MP3 player battery went dead from the cold in the car, so I listened to NPR on the way home and the guy was just going over Iraq war news and making such tongue-in-cheek comments, it was entertaining and sad, since the news was all true.

I've been blogging so much lately that I feel I have nothing to say when I talk to people. Of course that's bullshit, and the only reason I think that is because I still get struck stupid when I talk to Laura G. I've been sleeping all weekend and feel like I can't think straight.

Speaking of Laura G., she texted me last night: "Hey. Whats up love?" That, combined with her broaching that she was free on this coming Thursday or Saturday when I talked with her, leads me to believe she's feeling into me. Of course, as many of my friends will no doubt attest, I'm a sucker for pretty girls who talk nice to me. Anyway, she said she'd give me a call, and I suavely replied, "Please do." I couldn't bring myself to tell her how I felt about plans breaking last week. Well, I'll do it in person, or if there's a third strike this week, over the phone, and let the chips fall.

I think I said something to Ryan on Thursday about ideational and sensate societies, and I'd like to expound upon it, but right now I want to get on my way to bed.