Friday, February 02, 2007

Smart people underperform when it's too goddamn early.

I'm going through the registration for the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session in May. There's a course titled "Why Smart People Underperform: Attention, Distraction, And Productivity." This may seem like a good course, but was it really a good idea to schedule it at 8:00am? I sure as hell didn't even look at any of the courses that started before noon.

As it is, I only registered for the free reception. I'll look around and get ideas of equipment and work on my practice vision. And explore Seattle with other ortho nerds, looking to get a feel for the city and outside of some beer.

Right now I'm starving, so dinner, shower, and bed are all calling my name.

1 comment:

Laura said...

My theory is that if you're hungry, dirty, and tired, go to sleep: that way, you forget about the first two until the morning.