Thursday, November 16, 2006

My pop culture seclusion is actually increasing the quality of what does impinge upon my consciousness.

I saw Borat! with Trish tonight. Pretty good. Not as funny as Jackass Number Two but still pretty damn funny. The few movies I see are definitely worth seeing. My pop culture seclusion is actually increasing the quality of what does impinge upon my consciousness.

The course today was stupid. I learned nothing, did nothing with it. I did get another page or two done on my thesis, though. Woo.

My department head is gone tomorrow, and the course isn't scheduled to start until ten, so I'm going to benadryl it to sleep tonight. I already drank half a bottle of Chimay.

I completely spaced on getting in contact with the practice Derek sent me. Tomorrow, hopefully, I can send the email and at least get a look in. Timbuk2 sent my bag already, and I need to get a big map of Chicago somewhere to start setting up practice searches.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Heavens with Dana, which should be pretty cool. Saturday I'll need to find a wedding gift for Rosa and a birthday gift for my brother. I have no idea what to get for either.

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