Sunday, November 26, 2006

I failed at self-inspiration this weekend

The holiday weekend is coming to a close. I feel like I wasted most of it. I've watched four or five movies, read some, and did a little apartment cleaning. If I felt like I'd done a complete cleaning I might feel a little better about it. I did get to sleep a fair amount, though. Tomorrow starts four full weeks of school until the winter break. What do you think my chances are of getting my IRB proposal submitted? Tomorrow I start beating my thesis into the proper format.

I called Dani last night, expecting to get her machine and leave another message, but she was actually home, and we talked for a while until it was time for me to go into WNUR. She's going to be coming to town next weekend to take care of her brother for two weeks, so hopefully we can get together while she's here. Dani was asking about music since she doesn't get much exposure out on the res, so I plan to burn some CDs for her.

I want sushi this week. I need to get a Santa suit for the Santa Rampage in three weeks, which will probably run me close to sixty bucks. And I need to replace the lights on my bike, and get a good mirror too.

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