Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy in that everything-in-the-world-is-fucking-awesome kind of way

I rode up to the Hacienda today. Dropped over $25 on a margarita and Mexican food, and some good conversation, some good laughs. Got a little chilly on bits of the ride, but it was only two miles from here and I warmed up pretty quick. I thankfully managed to avoid riding at any of the really rainy times and didn't really get wet.

It's supposed to snow either tomorrow or Friday - I can't wait to ride out in it. It's like floating on clouds. Fucking awesome. Assuming any of it sticks, that is.

I was getting smarmy with a friend of mine earlier - probably too smarmy - and I then told her that I want her to be more than content; I want her to be happy in that everything-in-the-world-is-fucking-awesome kind of way.

I just thought it was a good line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be pedantic: You are either mis-using the word smarmy, or I am not getting what you're saying. Since smarmy implies that you were being effusively ingratiating, to then tell her that you want her to be "happy in that everything-in-the-world-is-fucking-awesome kind of way" is to either continue to be smarmy or to be even MORE smarmy. In addition to which, smarmy usually has the connotations of being sleazy, which is 1) something I would never characterise you as, and 2) were you to be sleazy, I don't imagine it would be with Trish.