Sunday, October 22, 2006

I want a hot drink right now.

It was so cold and windy today that as I rode to school - without my goggles - my eyes started to hurt. Thankfully I had my goggles in my bag "just in case," and was able to make the ride home in much more comfort.

I finally got a big chunk of my lit review done...I have about 40 more articles to go, but I did the big 10. I think the rest will go a little faster since they're not as relevant and I can gloss over them a bit more. What an exciting week I have ahead!

Our lab at school was fucking cold though. I was wearing a jacket and hat the whole time I was there. The hallway feels OK, but as soon as you pass through the doorway there's a noticeable change in temperature. Come winter though, it'll be pretty hot in there. Weird.

I gave up on finding a Halloween costume. I can shave my head and put on a plain T-shirt and sneakers and go as Ian MacKaye in the Minor Threat days. Really, I'll probably just go without unless I find something good at the store later this week.

I've been listening to Jello Biafra's new 3CD spoken word release. That, combined with reading the issues of Transmetropolitan Laura lent me, has left me feeling a little angry tonight. It didn't help that I've got a lack of quarters for laundry and a full load waiting...

Fa! I got school work done and feel good no matter what right now. Some of the weight has been lifted! Woo-hooooo!


Anonymous said...

Spider Jerusalem should only make you feel warm and gooey, not angry. :) Do you like the comic then?

Darren said...

I like the comic then. It's been a while since I read comics, and I got out of them as I learned more about the world and causality ripples and lost my ability to suspend so much disbelief. But they are a fun diversion.