I rode my bike to school this morning, there being only 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Stupid me, I turned off Ashland, which was relatively clear, and cut south on Paulina, which was a little bit of hard-pack in the tire tracks. Plenty of slipping and sliding, which would have been fun if I wasn't sweaty and late.

I rode my bike to school this morning, there being only 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Stupid me, I didn't check the weather forecast in the last few days and didn't realize it was supposed to keep snowing for the next 32 hours. I lost my U-pass a few weeks ago, so if I took CTA home I'd have had to both pay and walk my bike in the snow a ways. Luckily, Ryan was able to give me a ride home in his Jeep.
I taught the dental students this afternoon. It was fun. I really enjoy teaching, and it's weird to have them looking at me as if I'm possessed of amazing skills in orthodontia. My, how the tables have turned.
I still haven't told my parents about Laura G. My dad just called to ask me out to dinner with them on Thursday, for his and my mother's day late Valentine's Day date. He also said I could invite someone to come with, and I answered with a noncommital, "I'll see." I think Laura will have to work, but I will ask her. How to explain to my parents? I dunno. Maybe "Shut up; I'll tell you later," will work. I have a pretty severe lack of emotional trust in my parents; I think I've been let down by their lack of support too many times in the past to risk relying on it any more.
I'm still somewhat reticent around Laura. I'm a little intimidated by her confidence and adventurousness. Two things I've never really felt strongly about myself. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great, they make her even more attractive. But I'm discovering I fear she'll find me unexciting and boring.
What the fuck is up with my insecurities? Whenever I'm able to strip away a layer of my shit, there's something new looking up at me. Is this normal?