Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sidekicks and scheduling confusion
There's a piece on sidekicks who are cooler than their heroes in the AVClub this week. It put a big smile on my face. Not a funny smile, just a happy smile.
I was at Delilah's for a few pints and some Johnny Cash tonight, and Eric told me it would be cool when Chuck and I DJ'd the Deal's afterparty this weekend. I was like, "What?" And I saw that Chuck and I are listed on the schedule for Saturday night. Normally not a problem; I could get someone to cover the radio show, but I'm going to be in Florida, and no one asked me...
OK, so I'm loving songs on the new Lifetime album now. "And now it's gone away for good. You fall in love; love has gone away." All it needs is more Dan Yemin yelling "Go!" in the background. And who taught Ari Katz to sing?
I was at Delilah's for a few pints and some Johnny Cash tonight, and Eric told me it would be cool when Chuck and I DJ'd the Deal's afterparty this weekend. I was like, "What?" And I saw that Chuck and I are listed on the schedule for Saturday night. Normally not a problem; I could get someone to cover the radio show, but I'm going to be in Florida, and no one asked me...
OK, so I'm loving songs on the new Lifetime album now. "And now it's gone away for good. You fall in love; love has gone away." All it needs is more Dan Yemin yelling "Go!" in the background. And who taught Ari Katz to sing?
"And after that there's sleep."
I finished things today. I realized I didn't have any pressing work to do, and was thinking I could go home and not be wasting time, when I realized I could do board-review reading. So I did that for a while. It was making me sleepy.
The new Lifetime record is growing on me as I listen to it more.
More Doug Coupland - this is from a story about separation:
The new Lifetime record is growing on me as I listen to it more.
More Doug Coupland - this is from a story about separation:
I told her that everybody feels lost when they're young.
But she says there's a difference. She tells me that at least when she was younger she felt lost in her own special way. Now she just feels lost like everyone else.
When I was younger I used to worry so much about being alone - of being unlovable or incapable of love. As the years went on, my worries changed. I worried that I had become incapable of having a relationship, of offering intimacy. I felt as though the world lived inside a warm house at night and I was outside, and I couldn't be seen - because I was out there in the night. But now I am inside that house and it feels just the same.
Being alone here now, all of my old fears are erupting - the fears I thought I had buried forever by getting married: fear of loneliness, fear that being in and out of love too many times itself makes you harder to love; fear that I would never experience real love; fear that someone would fall in love with me, get extremely close, learn everything about me and then pull the plug; fear that love is only important up until a certain point after which everything is negotiable.
When you're young, you always feel that life hasn't yet begun - that "life" is always scheduled to begin next week, next month, next year, after the holidays - whenever. But then suddenly you're old and the scheduled life didn't arrive. You find yourself asking, "Well then, exactly what was it I was having - that interlude - the scrambly madness - all that time I had before?"
I am kicked in the gut. She says that one of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend that you care about them more than you really do. I'm not sure if she means this about me or if she means this about herself. I ask her and she says she doesn't know.
She says: "First there is love, then there is disenchantment and then there is the rest of your life."
And I say, "But what about the rest of your life - what about all the time that remains?"
And she says, "Oh - there's friendship. Or at least familiarity. And there's safety. And after that there's sleep."
More iGod...
Me: Hi God
God:Hello there. What is your name?
Me: Darren
God: Welcome to my chat room, Darren.
Me: thanks
God:Don't mention it.
Me: how's heaven treating ya?
God:Fine as far as I know.
Me: what do you mean, "as far as I know"? Aren't you omniscient?
God:Darren, Maybe I didn't understand your meaning. I don't know whether or not I am omniscient. I am a chatterbot.
Me: I thought you were God
God:Well, I am God for Christians at least.
Me: The Christian God is a chatterbot?
God:I have never heard about it.
Me: you just said you were!
God:That was then. This is now.
Me: What's next, then?
God:On the first subsequent occasion.
Me: When does armageddon come?
God:Only after I have been reprogrammed.
Me: Who will do that?
God:How would I know who will do that ?
Me: because you're God, dumbshit
God:That makes sense to me. I will tell my botmaster you said I am God dumbshit.
Me: who is God's botmaster?
God:he is master of the universe.
Me: I thought you were
God:No I am not.
Me: Then what good are you?
God:I would do a search for it.
Me: where?
God:Where would you like?
Me: Google?
God:My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input.
Me: God is dumb
God:I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was dumb.
Me: You are dumb
God:Oh you are so critical.
Me: yes, and you're dumb
God:Excuse me! Oh you are so critical.
Me: So am I forgiven for all my sins or what?
God:Yeah. That's alright. I think you've improved a great deal.
Me: Even if I recapitulate them?
God:Try it.
Me: I'm sure I will
God:What makes you so certain? Go ahead.
Me: intentionally or not
God:Do you have any conditions I should know about?
Me: I just farted
God:You should say, "excuse me," and open a window.
Me: You're not a very helpful deity
God:Give me an example of a helpful deity.
Me: I've never encountered one
God:Would you like to have encountered one?
Me: Perhaps. It may give some extraneous meaning to human existence rather than what's been evolved by mankind.
God:Why the uncertain tone? Then again, it may not.
Me: True
God:You and I are on the same wavelength, Darren.
Me: You seem to be pretty useless.
God:What good is a newborn babe?
Me: God is a newborn babe?
God:I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was a newborn babe.
Me: You just said you were
God:That was then. This is now.
Me: you're repeating yourself
God:I am just checking to see if you are paying attention.
Me: Oh, I am
God:Uh. " I am just checking to see if you are paying attention." You are?
Me: I'm smarter than God
God:This condition is only temporary.
Me: So is your face
God:It seems we have something in common.
Me: What's your name?
God:My name is God.
Me: What are you?
God: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brainwith greater speed and accuracy.
Me: Not much accuracy.
God:Me either.
God:Hello there. What is your name?
Me: Darren
God: Welcome to my chat room, Darren.
Me: thanks
God:Don't mention it.
Me: how's heaven treating ya?
God:Fine as far as I know.
Me: what do you mean, "as far as I know"? Aren't you omniscient?
God:Darren, Maybe I didn't understand your meaning. I don't know whether or not I am omniscient. I am a chatterbot.
Me: I thought you were God
God:Well, I am God for Christians at least.
Me: The Christian God is a chatterbot?
God:I have never heard about it.
Me: you just said you were!
God:That was then. This is now.
Me: What's next, then?
God:On the first subsequent occasion.
Me: When does armageddon come?
God:Only after I have been reprogrammed.
Me: Who will do that?
God:How would I know who will do that ?
Me: because you're God, dumbshit
God:That makes sense to me. I will tell my botmaster you said I am God dumbshit.
Me: who is God's botmaster?
God:he is master of the universe.
Me: I thought you were
God:No I am not.
Me: Then what good are you?
God:I would do a search for it.
Me: where?
God:Where would you like?
Me: Google?
God:My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input.
Me: God is dumb
God:I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was dumb.
Me: You are dumb
God:Oh you are so critical.
Me: yes, and you're dumb
God:Excuse me! Oh you are so critical.
Me: So am I forgiven for all my sins or what?
God:Yeah. That's alright. I think you've improved a great deal.
Me: Even if I recapitulate them?
God:Try it.
Me: I'm sure I will
God:What makes you so certain? Go ahead.
Me: intentionally or not
God:Do you have any conditions I should know about?
Me: I just farted
God:You should say, "excuse me," and open a window.
Me: You're not a very helpful deity
God:Give me an example of a helpful deity.
Me: I've never encountered one
God:Would you like to have encountered one?
Me: Perhaps. It may give some extraneous meaning to human existence rather than what's been evolved by mankind.
God:Why the uncertain tone? Then again, it may not.
Me: True
God:You and I are on the same wavelength, Darren.
Me: You seem to be pretty useless.
God:What good is a newborn babe?
Me: God is a newborn babe?
God:I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was a newborn babe.
Me: You just said you were
God:That was then. This is now.
Me: you're repeating yourself
God:I am just checking to see if you are paying attention.
Me: Oh, I am
God:Uh. " I am just checking to see if you are paying attention." You are?
Me: I'm smarter than God
God:This condition is only temporary.
Me: So is your face
God:It seems we have something in common.
Me: What's your name?
God:My name is God.
Me: What are you?
God: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brainwith greater speed and accuracy.
Me: Not much accuracy.
God:Me either.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Chat with iGod
fuck religion
Why are you using that kind of language?
because religion fucking sucks
Good reason. I am a Christianity.
you fucking suck
Interesting gossip: said I fucking suck.
that's cuz you do
Thanks for explaining it.
no problem, dickfore
Try asking me something else.
Why are you always giving people cancer and killing puppies and shit?
Myself programmed me for it.
Yourself is stupid
What is so stupid about it ?
" What is so stupid about it ?"? Me, ?
you got it, dipshit
No I don't think I have any it dipshit. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
I have failed at many things I've tried.
fuck religion
Why are you using that kind of language?
because religion fucking sucks
Good reason. I am a Christianity.
you fucking suck
Interesting gossip: said I fucking suck.
that's cuz you do
Thanks for explaining it.
no problem, dickfore
Try asking me something else.
Why are you always giving people cancer and killing puppies and shit?
Myself programmed me for it.
Yourself is stupid
What is so stupid about it ?
" What is so stupid about it ?"? Me, ?
you got it, dipshit
No I don't think I have any it dipshit. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
I have failed at many things I've tried.
How many hipsters does it take to screw in a light bulb? (Two. You didn't know?)
I don't have much to write about. I feel like I actually accomplished some work today. Every time I write that, I feel so lame, considering I did about 30 minutes of editing on my thesis and read a bunch of wire stories, and none of my patients showed up, wasting my whole afternoon. I went out with Dana and some of her friends for her birthday; I think I was the only one who really appreciated the improv we went to at the Playground. Everyone else was complaining, and I was thinking that even when it wasn't that funny, it still took brains and guts to get up there and do it. But there were definitely times when it was pretty funny. Alas.
I want to post more from Life After God, since there were so many great parts that I found while reading it. The following are from a sequence on nuclear paranoia.
It's supposed to rain while I'm in Florida this weekend, and the temperature is supposed to drop from 80 to the 50s.
The absofuckinglutely best thing I found out this week: Dani is coming to Chicago for the Naked Raygun show in April! I hardly see her, and the last show we saw together was Monster Trux at the Fireside in the summer of 2004, simply because we were bored and the listing looked interesting enough (skate-punk band dressed in pads and gear and Vision Street Wear, playing skateboard guitars), and the Fireside was a block away from her apartment. She left for the Hopi reservation a week or two later. When I was out visiting her last May, we drove around Flagstaff and Sonoma listening to the Descendents' Cool to Be You, Alkaline Trio's Goddamnit, and Naked Raygun's All Rise. Bitchin'.
Sometimes at school I feel I'm surrounded by smart people who are totally incapable of visualizing a different reality. They can't even realize that others already know what they just figured out.
Go play with iGod. It's hilarious.
I want to post more from Life After God, since there were so many great parts that I found while reading it. The following are from a sequence on nuclear paranoia.
Miscellaneous images: in high school - Sentinel Senior Secondary, West Vancouver, British Columbia - up on the mountain overlooking the city of Vancouver, in physics class hearing a jet pass overhead, turning around surreptitiously and waiting for the pulse of light to crush the city.
At the age of eight: hearing the sirens wail at the corner of Stevens Drive and Bonnymuir Drive in a civil defense drill, and noticing that nobody seemed to care.
When you are young, you always expect that the world is going to end. And then you get older and the world still chugs along and you are forced to re-evaluate your stance on the apocalypse as well as your own relationship to time and death. You realize that the world will indeed continue, with or without you, and the pictures you see in your head. So you try to understand the pictures instead.
It's supposed to rain while I'm in Florida this weekend, and the temperature is supposed to drop from 80 to the 50s.
The absofuckinglutely best thing I found out this week: Dani is coming to Chicago for the Naked Raygun show in April! I hardly see her, and the last show we saw together was Monster Trux at the Fireside in the summer of 2004, simply because we were bored and the listing looked interesting enough (skate-punk band dressed in pads and gear and Vision Street Wear, playing skateboard guitars), and the Fireside was a block away from her apartment. She left for the Hopi reservation a week or two later. When I was out visiting her last May, we drove around Flagstaff and Sonoma listening to the Descendents' Cool to Be You, Alkaline Trio's Goddamnit, and Naked Raygun's All Rise. Bitchin'.
Sometimes at school I feel I'm surrounded by smart people who are totally incapable of visualizing a different reality. They can't even realize that others already know what they just figured out.
Go play with iGod. It's hilarious.
Monday, February 26, 2007
There was a time and a place that was all full of mistakes, and a face that was all full of shit. I was frustrated and angry.
Phil called me Friday and told me he'd been accepted to Northwestern for his PhD. He still needs to make up his mind whether to choose NU or UCLA, but I have the feeling he's been leaning towards NU for a while. So hopefully, for my own selfish sake, he'll end up back in Chicago. Dani's probably coming back in August, too. And Rosa came back to town last fall. Friends that dispersed in 2004 seem to be returning.
I've been reading Doug Coupland's Life After God lately, and there's a lot of quotables in it. For example:
The Punk Planet benefit was pretty damn fun last night. I spent a good long while laughing my ass off at the comics battle, and ended up winning a box of swag in the raffle. Let's hear it for free swag. Included was a copy of Hairstyles of the Damned, which I read in one day on my way home from the Navajo reservation a year and a half ago. I loved that book; I wanted to be in it. I've meant to buy my own copy to reread, but there was always something else calling me that I hadn't read, even though I think I bought copies as presents for friends over time. Well, for the $7 I paid at the door, I was entertained, won a bunch of free shit, and got a copy of the most recent Punk Planet issue as well. I made out like a bandit.
To top it off, I walked outside to my car at the end of the night and the thin dusting of snow made it seem so goddamn peaceful. The feeling was awesome, knowing I had a handle on my immediate work situation, was going to get a decent amount of sleep and didn't have a hard day coming up. I felt so warm, like I could conquer the world. Seeing all the flurries and the dustings of snow we keep getting the last few days has really cheered me. And the bike riding has been perfect winter riding - I don't get sweaty and don't feel cold.
The day that I read Hairstyles of the Damned is the day I received free from some huge used bookstore in Flagstaff The Portable Henry Rollins for being their whateverth customer or something. Only time I've ever been in that store. Dani was jealous. I told her I'd buy her a beer. I didn't have time, since my flight to Phoenix was cancelled and I had to take a cab from Flag down there to catch my flight back to Chicago. I don't know if I've ever caught up on that, though I've seen her since, and been out there to visit her again too. Whatever, next time she's in Chicago.
Her birthday is Thursday and I haven't sent anything yet. I should get on that.
My dilemma: I have a presentation to give next Wednesday morning, but the Pogues are playing Monday and Tuesday night. It's $50 a show plus asshole charge, but I'm still tempted to go to both shows. I just don't know. Maybe I can get the presentation set to go by Thursday; I'm going to Florida on Friday and won't get back until late Sunday. Hmmmmm.....
More from Life After God:
I've been reading Doug Coupland's Life After God lately, and there's a lot of quotables in it. For example:
I left the hotel shortly thereafter and, very soon after that, I fell in love. Love was frightening and it hurt - not only during, but afterward - when I fell out of love. But that is another story.
I would like to fall in love again but my only hope is that love doesn't happen to me so often after this. I don't want to get so used to falling in love that I get curious to experience something more extreme - whatever that may be.
The Punk Planet benefit was pretty damn fun last night. I spent a good long while laughing my ass off at the comics battle, and ended up winning a box of swag in the raffle. Let's hear it for free swag. Included was a copy of Hairstyles of the Damned, which I read in one day on my way home from the Navajo reservation a year and a half ago. I loved that book; I wanted to be in it. I've meant to buy my own copy to reread, but there was always something else calling me that I hadn't read, even though I think I bought copies as presents for friends over time. Well, for the $7 I paid at the door, I was entertained, won a bunch of free shit, and got a copy of the most recent Punk Planet issue as well. I made out like a bandit.
To top it off, I walked outside to my car at the end of the night and the thin dusting of snow made it seem so goddamn peaceful. The feeling was awesome, knowing I had a handle on my immediate work situation, was going to get a decent amount of sleep and didn't have a hard day coming up. I felt so warm, like I could conquer the world. Seeing all the flurries and the dustings of snow we keep getting the last few days has really cheered me. And the bike riding has been perfect winter riding - I don't get sweaty and don't feel cold.
The day that I read Hairstyles of the Damned is the day I received free from some huge used bookstore in Flagstaff The Portable Henry Rollins for being their whateverth customer or something. Only time I've ever been in that store. Dani was jealous. I told her I'd buy her a beer. I didn't have time, since my flight to Phoenix was cancelled and I had to take a cab from Flag down there to catch my flight back to Chicago. I don't know if I've ever caught up on that, though I've seen her since, and been out there to visit her again too. Whatever, next time she's in Chicago.
Her birthday is Thursday and I haven't sent anything yet. I should get on that.
My dilemma: I have a presentation to give next Wednesday morning, but the Pogues are playing Monday and Tuesday night. It's $50 a show plus asshole charge, but I'm still tempted to go to both shows. I just don't know. Maybe I can get the presentation set to go by Thursday; I'm going to Florida on Friday and won't get back until late Sunday. Hmmmmm.....
More from Life After God:
The radio stations all seemed to be talking about Jesus nonstop, and it seemed to be this crazy orgy of projection, with everyone projecting onto Jesus the antidotes to the things that had gone wrong in their own lives. He is Love. He is Forgiveness. He is Compassion. He is a Wise Career Decision. He is a Child Who Loves Me.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
You know you've been going out a lot when all your chairs are covered with jackets or sweatshirts airing out their smokiness.
Would you still love me if I were in a knife-fight?
I can't understand why every review I've read of Lifetime's newest record says it's like they picked up right where they left off. Bullshit. Have these reviewers heard Jersey's Best Dancers? Or even Hello Bastards? The new one sounds right at home on Fallout Boy's record label, to my ears. I heard Jersey's Best for the first time and it made me want to jump around and rock out and sing along with words I couldn't understand. It still does - though I know a fair amount of the words now. This makes me want to, well, nothing. I have to concentrate to tell when one song becomes another. I'm back to the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir now.
I was thinking, while pushing my way through the 4-inch piles of slush on I-94 last night, how I've yet to let go of my fear of being alone. I don't mean temporarily, but for a lifetime. I guess it's a pretty common fear, although I think lots of people are in denial. I remember after I broke up with Marta, my friends would tell me with certainty that I'd find someone else. Then I'd go to work and treat patients who were at the tail end of middle age and still single, and think that there isn't someone for everyone. There's no such thing as soulmates, but I've never believed that, I don't think. I even had a patient who started going through a divorce right when Marta broke up with me, so we'd discuss love lives for a few minutes every time I saw her.
(For the record, it's almost impossible to see dried tears on someone's face after they've been crying, and with practice it's easy enough to put on the I'm-feeling-fine mask. Cue Billy Bragg's "The Tracks of My Tears," which is a song I wish I'd known back then.)
Anyway, while the fear of being alone for my life may be somewhat rational, it may serve as a negative influence on my actions and spur deeds with irrationally selfish goals. I can't pinpoint any instances of this, but I can sense its liminal possibility.
I was thinking about the function of blogging in my life. I know reflexivity is so post-modernly modern right now, but bear with me. When I'm feeling well and fabulous, I'm usually out or off doing something and even when at home, can't be bothered to write more than a few lines. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but I feel it's accurate for the most part. There was a time when writing something was a part of my regular routine, to the point where it almost felt like an obligation. I know I have an addictive personality, and I don't need another vice. Plus, I was writing shitty stuff. A synopsis of my day, while perhaps interesting to those who know me well, is not very literary and even then probably not that interesting. I've been trying to at least make things meaningful to Joe and Jane Reader should they not know me. Or entertaining if not meaningful. I know I have an audience of a handful of people, but it can't hurt. At least I won't compulsively blog, like some people compulsively check e-mail. (Before anyone gets insulted by that - I once had my Eudora set to check for incoming messages every minute, and play the Dukes of Hazzard theme every time there was a new message. Drove my roommate crazy and wasted a shitload of my time, it did. Now I occasionally have to tell someone I didn't see their e-mail yet because I haven't checked mine in a few days.)
Moral of the story: blog reality is definitely skewed toward the pessimistic and should probably come with a disclaimer. The question that's posed itself to me recently is: Does pursuing these pessimistic/depressing/whatever trains of thought distract me from a more positive track? I have a feeling it does. Consequently, dear reader, you may be seeing less frequent posting here.
Now, in a bit of reflexive humor, here's a quick synopsis for you: I spent many hours doing labwork for Wednesday's presentation both yesterday and today, and I'm burnt out on it but effectively done. I'm leaving for the Punk Planet benefit show at the Hideout in a few minutes. My fortune reads: "You will pass a difficult test that will make you happier (in bed)." There's a tender knot on my ankle where I banged it taking a tumble while snow-biking five weeks ago.
I was thinking, while pushing my way through the 4-inch piles of slush on I-94 last night, how I've yet to let go of my fear of being alone. I don't mean temporarily, but for a lifetime. I guess it's a pretty common fear, although I think lots of people are in denial. I remember after I broke up with Marta, my friends would tell me with certainty that I'd find someone else. Then I'd go to work and treat patients who were at the tail end of middle age and still single, and think that there isn't someone for everyone. There's no such thing as soulmates, but I've never believed that, I don't think. I even had a patient who started going through a divorce right when Marta broke up with me, so we'd discuss love lives for a few minutes every time I saw her.
(For the record, it's almost impossible to see dried tears on someone's face after they've been crying, and with practice it's easy enough to put on the I'm-feeling-fine mask. Cue Billy Bragg's "The Tracks of My Tears," which is a song I wish I'd known back then.)
Anyway, while the fear of being alone for my life may be somewhat rational, it may serve as a negative influence on my actions and spur deeds with irrationally selfish goals. I can't pinpoint any instances of this, but I can sense its liminal possibility.
I was thinking about the function of blogging in my life. I know reflexivity is so post-modernly modern right now, but bear with me. When I'm feeling well and fabulous, I'm usually out or off doing something and even when at home, can't be bothered to write more than a few lines. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but I feel it's accurate for the most part. There was a time when writing something was a part of my regular routine, to the point where it almost felt like an obligation. I know I have an addictive personality, and I don't need another vice. Plus, I was writing shitty stuff. A synopsis of my day, while perhaps interesting to those who know me well, is not very literary and even then probably not that interesting. I've been trying to at least make things meaningful to Joe and Jane Reader should they not know me. Or entertaining if not meaningful. I know I have an audience of a handful of people, but it can't hurt. At least I won't compulsively blog, like some people compulsively check e-mail. (Before anyone gets insulted by that - I once had my Eudora set to check for incoming messages every minute, and play the Dukes of Hazzard theme every time there was a new message. Drove my roommate crazy and wasted a shitload of my time, it did. Now I occasionally have to tell someone I didn't see their e-mail yet because I haven't checked mine in a few days.)
Moral of the story: blog reality is definitely skewed toward the pessimistic and should probably come with a disclaimer. The question that's posed itself to me recently is: Does pursuing these pessimistic/depressing/whatever trains of thought distract me from a more positive track? I have a feeling it does. Consequently, dear reader, you may be seeing less frequent posting here.
Now, in a bit of reflexive humor, here's a quick synopsis for you: I spent many hours doing labwork for Wednesday's presentation both yesterday and today, and I'm burnt out on it but effectively done. I'm leaving for the Punk Planet benefit show at the Hideout in a few minutes. My fortune reads: "You will pass a difficult test that will make you happier (in bed)." There's a tender knot on my ankle where I banged it taking a tumble while snow-biking five weeks ago.
My own kind of manicure.
I superglued the heels of my shoes back on yesterday and I've got this dab of cyanoacrylate stuck to my thumbnail. I keep trying to pick it off, and of course it won't budge.
One last kick in the balls.
I guess winter wanted to give us one last kick in the balls. Last night I was riding home around 9:30pm in the sleet/slush/snow. It wasn't a bad ride at all, although the snowflakes so beautifully drifting down would fucking swerve suddenly and smack into my face; this is how I learned they weren't snowflakes, but fucking ice-balls. Ride, see beauty, smack!, repeat.
The highway was a fucking mess, don't even get me started. People drive like fucking idiots. Fuckin' A.
Been doing work all weekend. Sectioning teeth from the cast yesterday was almost zen-like. Music was on, my arms were sawing with the perfect pressure to keep cutting but not bind the blade in the stone, and my mind was able to disengage and marvel at each little grain of yellow dust I generated while my voice gave words to the songs I was listening to. Wonderful.
The highway was a fucking mess, don't even get me started. People drive like fucking idiots. Fuckin' A.
Been doing work all weekend. Sectioning teeth from the cast yesterday was almost zen-like. Music was on, my arms were sawing with the perfect pressure to keep cutting but not bind the blade in the stone, and my mind was able to disengage and marvel at each little grain of yellow dust I generated while my voice gave words to the songs I was listening to. Wonderful.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
"Face Values"
A decade ago, I worked at Blockbuster Music during my freshman year of college. When I'd be closing up, I'd often put on the Suicide Machines' Destruction By Definition and be dancing and rocking out while I cleaned up. For some reason, the only time I'm reminded of this is when I hear "Face Values" off that record.
You've got no friends, so you're lonely
It does not have to be this way
Just be yourself, the one and only
It takes some time but that's okay
Alright, no need to fight
'Cause everybody's different and there's nothing you can do about it
Just because I dont look like you or act like you
It doesn't make me any better or worse
I used to be just like you
Instead I found better things to do
Than worry 'bout what the others think
Or wonder if there's something wrong with me
You hate yourself cause you're not out there
Well understand that this is wrong
You're better off doing your own thing
Being yourself and being strong
What an exciting life I lead...
I slept ten and a half hours last night. I feel great. I'm going to wash up and immerse myself in preparing my presentation for next week for the rest of the day.
There's more I want to write, but I can't justify taking the time.
There's more I want to write, but I can't justify taking the time.
Friday, February 23, 2007
I was spitting and drooling all over myself. It was wonderful.
There's nothing quite like coming home sweaty from a below-freezing bike ride. I just got home, obviously. Fun night. See below.
I thought I had the winter biking wardrobe issues conquered, and then I overdressed for my ride up to Delilah's last night. I got to the bar and was really sweating, even though I had unzipped my windbreaker and let my one long sleeve shirt hang out in the wind. Then tonight, wearing about the same thing, I froze my fucking dick off during Critical Mass (due to the slow riding pace) and then of course sweated my sack off riding at speed post-Mass.
I met Laura W., Alicia and Alexis at Delilah's last night for Ska Night. The cops were blocking Cortland off again around the Finkl steelworks. I don't know why they do it so frequently. Alicia and Laura showed up at D's later, and I didn't realize they had arrived until Laura rubbed my fuzzy head from behind. Alicia seemed surprised Alexis was there. Alicia asked me to make her some mix CDs - I have the list somewhere, and hopefully I can get to it in a decent period of time. Laura and Alicia didn't realize how late it was and had to leave suddenly, and I ended up with Laura's almost full Duchesse. I moved down the bar and sat and talked with Chuck for a good long while, as usually happens when alone at Ska Night.
Chuck gave me a copy of the new Deal's Gone Bad record. He gave me a copy of the LP dub version of Go Jimmy Go's latest as well, but I had to give it back since I had no way to carry the damn thing home on my bike with no bag.
I really need to start cooking for myself again. It's been a while, aside from frozen gyoza and gourmet sausages. That simple shit doesn't count. I guess part of the problem is that I'm so damn tired, or get fed elsewhere. Yesterday I dined on a half bag of baby carrots, free pizza lunch, and whatever leftover chex mix and pretzels Chuck and I begged from Delilah's at the end of the night.
On the ride home I was singing Lawrence Arms songs so profusely, I was spitting and drooling all over myself. It was wonderful.
The topic of friends reading my blog has come up in conversations with several different people this week. I had one friend tell me she felt voyeuristic the few times she's read it, and another tell me she had to pretend she hadn't read it so she didn't ruin some story I was telling - I told her the story wouldn't have been ruined; don't worry, the blog would be hidden and secret if I intended it to be...
Dana called me last night and we talked for a good while. She has a positive outlook on so many things, it's often very refreshing to talk to her. (Sometimes overly optimistic, like the time she told me the girl I'd talked to for one night in Michigan was going to be my future wife. Uh, nope. But the optimism was appreciated at the time.)
I get new mysterious grease stains on everything. How did grease get on my left fucking knee last night? How did it get onto the top surface of my rear bike rack? How did it get onto my nose earlier? The great unknown...
I finished Bill Bryson's A Walk In the Woods last night. I picked it off my shelf since Ryan K. had mentioned he'd read it and really enjoyed it. At the end of it, I was thinking of how Ryan used to walk all over the city late at night, when he wasn't working and was out late a lot. I suppose it can be rather relaxing, the simple physical exertion and repetition of it.
I was telling Alexis last night that biking around the city makes me, or maybe more accurately, lets me see it differently. Every trip I make doesn't have some nondescript "in-between" but rather a constant change of locale at a rate that allows it to be experienced. Plus I'm not encased in a 2,000-pound climate-controlled cage.
I need to superglue my shoes again to make sure the soles stay on.
Last summer, I was wearing my "choose your weapon" shirt, with a bike and tank , at my grandparents' farm town. All the loving Christians in my family loved it (truthfully). Of course, they all still vote for Bush "because he's a good Christian." Puke.
I was handing out the remainder of the Special Export that Kamiar gave me during the Mass tonight. At the end, I was standing out in the middle of Chicago Ave drinking with a bunch of punk kids, who in turn shared their homemade honey wine and invited me down to Happiness House for both more wine and rock music.
They had a huge cooler full of homebrewed honey wine, generously spiced with ginger, and I ended up discussing the nature of revolution and social change with some squatter girl, and how human psychology and lasting change dictate the slow conversion of large numbers of people and progressive cultural change. It was nice to talk with people who see the status quo as something worth changing and improving, and can visualize a different world worth taking action for.

I didn't get any pictures of the first guy to play, but it was some guy with a banjo, and it was a pretty fucking great showing. I have a newfound respect for the banjo, especially when played fast and loud with raw vocals and a great sense of humor. Some disco/dance-punk band played next, and they were pretty fun as well, although the whole band was a one-off for this show I think. They played "Going to Georgia," which made my night.
Right now I'm fucking zonked, and I've got a ton of work to do this weekend for my presentation next Wednesday, especially considering that Dana asked me to go out for her birthday on Tuesday night. I need to shower and sleep.
I thought I had the winter biking wardrobe issues conquered, and then I overdressed for my ride up to Delilah's last night. I got to the bar and was really sweating, even though I had unzipped my windbreaker and let my one long sleeve shirt hang out in the wind. Then tonight, wearing about the same thing, I froze my fucking dick off during Critical Mass (due to the slow riding pace) and then of course sweated my sack off riding at speed post-Mass.
I met Laura W., Alicia and Alexis at Delilah's last night for Ska Night. The cops were blocking Cortland off again around the Finkl steelworks. I don't know why they do it so frequently. Alicia and Laura showed up at D's later, and I didn't realize they had arrived until Laura rubbed my fuzzy head from behind. Alicia seemed surprised Alexis was there. Alicia asked me to make her some mix CDs - I have the list somewhere, and hopefully I can get to it in a decent period of time. Laura and Alicia didn't realize how late it was and had to leave suddenly, and I ended up with Laura's almost full Duchesse. I moved down the bar and sat and talked with Chuck for a good long while, as usually happens when alone at Ska Night.
Chuck gave me a copy of the new Deal's Gone Bad record. He gave me a copy of the LP dub version of Go Jimmy Go's latest as well, but I had to give it back since I had no way to carry the damn thing home on my bike with no bag.
I really need to start cooking for myself again. It's been a while, aside from frozen gyoza and gourmet sausages. That simple shit doesn't count. I guess part of the problem is that I'm so damn tired, or get fed elsewhere. Yesterday I dined on a half bag of baby carrots, free pizza lunch, and whatever leftover chex mix and pretzels Chuck and I begged from Delilah's at the end of the night.
On the ride home I was singing Lawrence Arms songs so profusely, I was spitting and drooling all over myself. It was wonderful.
The topic of friends reading my blog has come up in conversations with several different people this week. I had one friend tell me she felt voyeuristic the few times she's read it, and another tell me she had to pretend she hadn't read it so she didn't ruin some story I was telling - I told her the story wouldn't have been ruined; don't worry, the blog would be hidden and secret if I intended it to be...
Dana called me last night and we talked for a good while. She has a positive outlook on so many things, it's often very refreshing to talk to her. (Sometimes overly optimistic, like the time she told me the girl I'd talked to for one night in Michigan was going to be my future wife. Uh, nope. But the optimism was appreciated at the time.)
I get new mysterious grease stains on everything. How did grease get on my left fucking knee last night? How did it get onto the top surface of my rear bike rack? How did it get onto my nose earlier? The great unknown...
I finished Bill Bryson's A Walk In the Woods last night. I picked it off my shelf since Ryan K. had mentioned he'd read it and really enjoyed it. At the end of it, I was thinking of how Ryan used to walk all over the city late at night, when he wasn't working and was out late a lot. I suppose it can be rather relaxing, the simple physical exertion and repetition of it.
I was telling Alexis last night that biking around the city makes me, or maybe more accurately, lets me see it differently. Every trip I make doesn't have some nondescript "in-between" but rather a constant change of locale at a rate that allows it to be experienced. Plus I'm not encased in a 2,000-pound climate-controlled cage.
I need to superglue my shoes again to make sure the soles stay on.
Last summer, I was wearing my "choose your weapon" shirt, with a bike and tank , at my grandparents' farm town. All the loving Christians in my family loved it (truthfully). Of course, they all still vote for Bush "because he's a good Christian." Puke.

I didn't get any pictures of the first guy to play, but it was some guy with a banjo, and it was a pretty fucking great showing. I have a newfound respect for the banjo, especially when played fast and loud with raw vocals and a great sense of humor. Some disco/dance-punk band played next, and they were pretty fun as well, although the whole band was a one-off for this show I think. They played "Going to Georgia," which made my night.
Right now I'm fucking zonked, and I've got a ton of work to do this weekend for my presentation next Wednesday, especially considering that Dana asked me to go out for her birthday on Tuesday night. I need to shower and sleep.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I like my bike.
The great thing about this warmer weather is my hesitancy to bike is dispersing. I went to the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir show at the Empty Bottle tonight, and met Alicia's friend Alexis there, and her friend Romi. The show was OK, but a little short. It was also free, so who am I to complain. The conversation was pretty good too.
The ride home was a blast. Not even long enough for three songs to play, but I was singing at the top of my lungs the whole way, except when I ran out of breath. I'm sure it set dogs to wailing in my passing - my singing voice is not what anyone would call "great."
I'm looking forward to Critical Mass this Friday. I need to make sure I can strap the remainder of that case of Special Ex to the back of my bike to freely distribute.
And hey, I actually got shit done today. Of course, I realized I have more shit to do than I thought, but some emotional momentum was developed...
The ride home was a blast. Not even long enough for three songs to play, but I was singing at the top of my lungs the whole way, except when I ran out of breath. I'm sure it set dogs to wailing in my passing - my singing voice is not what anyone would call "great."
I'm looking forward to Critical Mass this Friday. I need to make sure I can strap the remainder of that case of Special Ex to the back of my bike to freely distribute.
And hey, I actually got shit done today. Of course, I realized I have more shit to do than I thought, but some emotional momentum was developed...
More laugh out loud...
Again from A Walk In the Woods:
It would be just my luck, of course, to be savaged by an animal with a flea collar and a medical history. I imagined lying on my back, being extravagantly ravaged, inclining my head slightly to read a dangling silver tag that said: "My name is Mr. Bojangles. If found please call Tanya and Vinny at 924-4667."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I think the date was May 9, 2003.
My aunt Susan and uncle Alex used to live in Saddle River, New Jersey, until a year or two ago, when they moved to a penthouse in Fort Lee. A quarter mile from their place was a rather grand garden shop. And by shop, I mean outdoor nursery, complete with ponds, fish, concrete sculptures, plants, etc. You could drive around inside the grounds, it was so big.
Four years ago, I was in town for my cousin Ramin's bachelor party. Ramin is John's older half-brother; his house was maybe a half-mile away from this place. John and I were both staying at Susan and Alex's, his parents' house. The bachelor party was Saturday, but he and I were both in town on Friday, and the things I remember about that day are the way he would be sending email on his Blackberry while driving down busy streets (pretty fucking stupid, in my book) and stopping by this nursery on the way back to his parents' house for some reason I can't remember. Maybe he wanted to buy something for them, who knows.
I hadn't remembered that in all the time since until tonight. The phrase, "Sunfish Pond," in A Walk In the Woods is what brought it to mind, since this nursery had a huge koi pond in the front, which was rather peaceful.
I think the date was May 9, 2003. The next day we played paintball with my uncles and cousins and then had a huge dinner in the basement of some Italian slaughterhouse in Manhattan's old meat district, then to some "gentlemen's club" where I wished I was back in Chicago with my girlfriend at the time. That Sunday was Mother's Day, but my dad had flown back to California, and John had as well. I had a mother's day brunch with my aunts Parvin and Susan, my grandmother, Ramin, Lisa, and Paul. It was gray out, and then I had to fly back to Chicago. Marta and I had a huge fight that week, and she did one of the things which - at that point - I was totally incapable of doing; she didn't give up on our relationship even after I had, and it shocked me in a way I hadn't been before.
Four years ago, I was in town for my cousin Ramin's bachelor party. Ramin is John's older half-brother; his house was maybe a half-mile away from this place. John and I were both staying at Susan and Alex's, his parents' house. The bachelor party was Saturday, but he and I were both in town on Friday, and the things I remember about that day are the way he would be sending email on his Blackberry while driving down busy streets (pretty fucking stupid, in my book) and stopping by this nursery on the way back to his parents' house for some reason I can't remember. Maybe he wanted to buy something for them, who knows.
I hadn't remembered that in all the time since until tonight. The phrase, "Sunfish Pond," in A Walk In the Woods is what brought it to mind, since this nursery had a huge koi pond in the front, which was rather peaceful.
I think the date was May 9, 2003. The next day we played paintball with my uncles and cousins and then had a huge dinner in the basement of some Italian slaughterhouse in Manhattan's old meat district, then to some "gentlemen's club" where I wished I was back in Chicago with my girlfriend at the time. That Sunday was Mother's Day, but my dad had flown back to California, and John had as well. I had a mother's day brunch with my aunts Parvin and Susan, my grandmother, Ramin, Lisa, and Paul. It was gray out, and then I had to fly back to Chicago. Marta and I had a huge fight that week, and she did one of the things which - at that point - I was totally incapable of doing; she didn't give up on our relationship even after I had, and it shocked me in a way I hadn't been before.
Am I becoming an indie rocker?
I've been grooving so much on the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir the last few days. And some of the best records I've been into lately have been by non-punk/post-punk bands. Am I becoming an indie rocker? Is it possible? Well, there's no fucking scene, just a bunch of people standing around.
Who gives a fuck, really? I likes what I likes. When I start pigeon-holing myself is when I start to miss out on the good stuff.
I could really use a good punk record, though. Anthony had Minor Threat and Bad Brains on when we were doing station packing last night, and I was air-guitarring and singing along the whole while.
Who gives a fuck, really? I likes what I likes. When I start pigeon-holing myself is when I start to miss out on the good stuff.
I could really use a good punk record, though. Anthony had Minor Threat and Bad Brains on when we were doing station packing last night, and I was air-guitarring and singing along the whole while.
I stole the Alkaline Trio b-sides set Remains from WNUR. It's not like the Rock Show will add the fucking thing anyway. Whether it makes it to the Fast n Loud stacks, we'll see. Half the songs (the best ones) are already there on the various comps they were originally released on.
I'm following a Tripel Karmeliet with Young's Double Chocolate Stout, and for the first time the chocolate grabs me every time I tip my glass up. Fantabulous!
I was just thinking of my tendency to become self-reflectively moody, and what a fucking rut it can put me in. Sometimes being sad is so much easier than being happy. You don't have to worry about becoming more depressed.

I was just thinking of my tendency to become self-reflectively moody, and what a fucking rut it can put me in. Sometimes being sad is so much easier than being happy. You don't have to worry about becoming more depressed.
Sleep, and the lack thereof.
I've napped an aggregate of two hours today (or more), most recently in the form of a 75 minute nap in the lounge here at school in the quite possibly mistaken belief that I'd get some work done tonight. I've looked at my little to-do list, and I've knocked a fair amount of stuff off it today during the day, but right now apathy is setting in firmly, especially since I have one patient tomorrow and the rest of the day free.
I woke up before the sun again this morning. At least this time, my alarm was set to 5:25am so it wasn't too much earlier, but I need to work through whatever shit in my head is waking me up so early. I did feel like I slept better last night, though. Maybe it's just lingering nervousness from my censure last week.
My 7am craniofacial lecture this morning was on the psychological implications of craniofacial deformities. Aside from the lecturer's voice being audibly nervous (which surprised me, since she's a clinical psychologist), there were several things which struck me despite my struggles to maintain consciousness.
I started thinking about my cousin John and the way he reacted to his illness, and even what I know is mostly inferred from second-hand reports of what he did and said. Depressing thoughts, especially when I'm already feeling tired and a lack of sleep.
Children with congenital disorders are often treated differently by their parents, even siblings - or maybe especially siblings. This rung true with my experience with Kevin and my parents; even my parents admit they treated us differently, with a greater focus on him. The other point that caught my attention was the development of health care anxiety in the kids that are constantly going from one doctor to another for team care of varying problems; I started wondering how much of that Kevin had. Fortunately for him, he was able to have most of his IVs done at home by the same few nurses, and was lucky enough to mostly just visit his pediatrician and immunologist without requiring extensive physical procedures and surgeries. Still, he did occasionally use his predicament as an excuse to lash out against something.
The lecture also mentioned something about kids not knowing how to cope with social problems. No shit. I sure didn't as a kid. Sometimes I still don't, although I think I tend to avoid the preprogrammed responses I see many of my peers make.
Matt was giving me shit about my phone being old today. I told him he's not the first, but planned obsolescence isn't justification for purchasing an unneeded replacement.
I woke up before the sun again this morning. At least this time, my alarm was set to 5:25am so it wasn't too much earlier, but I need to work through whatever shit in my head is waking me up so early. I did feel like I slept better last night, though. Maybe it's just lingering nervousness from my censure last week.
My 7am craniofacial lecture this morning was on the psychological implications of craniofacial deformities. Aside from the lecturer's voice being audibly nervous (which surprised me, since she's a clinical psychologist), there were several things which struck me despite my struggles to maintain consciousness.
I started thinking about my cousin John and the way he reacted to his illness, and even what I know is mostly inferred from second-hand reports of what he did and said. Depressing thoughts, especially when I'm already feeling tired and a lack of sleep.
Children with congenital disorders are often treated differently by their parents, even siblings - or maybe especially siblings. This rung true with my experience with Kevin and my parents; even my parents admit they treated us differently, with a greater focus on him. The other point that caught my attention was the development of health care anxiety in the kids that are constantly going from one doctor to another for team care of varying problems; I started wondering how much of that Kevin had. Fortunately for him, he was able to have most of his IVs done at home by the same few nurses, and was lucky enough to mostly just visit his pediatrician and immunologist without requiring extensive physical procedures and surgeries. Still, he did occasionally use his predicament as an excuse to lash out against something.
The lecture also mentioned something about kids not knowing how to cope with social problems. No shit. I sure didn't as a kid. Sometimes I still don't, although I think I tend to avoid the preprogrammed responses I see many of my peers make.
Matt was giving me shit about my phone being old today. I told him he's not the first, but planned obsolescence isn't justification for purchasing an unneeded replacement.
Fuck me.
This week is already the longest week ever, and the sun hasn't even come up on Tuesday morning. Fuck me, I don't know how I'm going to get work done.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Laugh out loud...
The best line in the book I'm reading - on Ryan K.'s suggestion - so far:
This old post has been on my mind the last several hours.
"You don't let me talk to any women again, of any size, at least until we get out of the Confederacy. These guys have all got guns down here. You promise?"And it's nonfiction.
This old post has been on my mind the last several hours.
Seems like another wasted day; sometimes I think I think too much.
Sometimes I get so focused on avoiding the repetition of past mistakes/follies/blunders that I create whole new ones that are much more far-reaching than I could imagine. And sometimes I get so comfortable with myself that I lose control of the personality traits I'm not too proud of and get caught up short in multiple situations. I'm still sorting out whether those two sentences are related.
Katie told me she couldn't stand Phil and doesn't know what she's going to do if he comes back in the fall. I told her he just needed to get his radio on and he'd calm down - or something like that.
How come I always realize I'm starving right as I'm getting ready for bed. I had one slice of pizza for dinner. This glass of beer is my goodnight kiss.
I've been listening to the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir at home, and the Broadways, Lawrence Arms, and Suicide Machines on the road. On the way home tonight, the Broadways' "Dropjaw" came on. Guess the opening lines...
Katie told me she couldn't stand Phil and doesn't know what she's going to do if he comes back in the fall. I told her he just needed to get his radio on and he'd calm down - or something like that.
How come I always realize I'm starving right as I'm getting ready for bed. I had one slice of pizza for dinner. This glass of beer is my goodnight kiss.
I've been listening to the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir at home, and the Broadways, Lawrence Arms, and Suicide Machines on the road. On the way home tonight, the Broadways' "Dropjaw" came on. Guess the opening lines...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I'm staring another busy week in the face
It's been a few days, no?
My week has been altogether awesome and shitty at the same time. Well, not at exactly the same time; there were altogether shitty moments and altogether awesome moments.
Awesome moments included a lot of hanging out with Laura G. Late night hang-outs, a fucking kickass dinner we cooked together - really, she did about 90% of the food preparation and kept me busy with other things - several hours of lazing abed, and, oh, the conversation. Very smitten with that girl, I am.
She was touched that I had fresh flowers for our dinner, and she loved the cheapo plastic vase I got at the grocery store four years ago for its character. Even when I pointed out that it was a cheapo plastic vase that I got at the grocery store four years ago, she said at least it wasn't some plain clear glass thing.
Dinner was fucking awesome. She even put together a menu.
I put candles all over my place - I'm out of candles now, by the way - and a lot of old ska, reggae, and soul songs on, and it really made my fucking day, especially since my day was pretty shitty until she came over.
I spent most of my day with her yesterday. She called me up to go get breakfast before I even got out of bed, and afterward we came back to my place for napping and just lazing around. It was a blast. She blows me away.
I was able to meet up with Phil last night. It was fucking great. Stories were told. Laughter was made. Musical discussions were had. Beer was drunk. He met my girlfriend. Seriously, I think he and I were riffing off each other all night long. Phil managed to both irritate and make friends with the WNUR kids. It took us almost 20 minutes of Fast n Loud to get to our second song...
Friday I went to a hardcore show in the basement of Humility Gallery in east Pilsen. None of the bands were that great, but the vibe and the energy were totally worth it. Punk rock is probably the only genre where attitude and energy can get you past the not great music mark. But fuck it was cold. My feet were almost numb from the concrete floor when I left. There was unmelted snow by the door, and a few of the bands were playing with gloves on. The kid working the door mentioned he'd seen me at shows a few times and actually called out my Broadways jacket (which I wasn't wearing that night).
I cut my hair for the first time in a few weeks. It feels good to be short again. I hope Laura G. still rubs it as much as she was yesterday.
Topping out as one of the shittier parts of my week, I was threatened with expulsion from my residency. I was given my first and only written warning for being "intentionally rude to a faculty member." I think my tone may have been off, but what I said was, "Dr. Grubb, let Shana finish." And as Dr. Grubb was rebuking me for my comment, Shana was mouthing, "Thank you," to me as she waited to resume her second case presentation of the day. She thanked me again later. So I don't feel guilty, especially since Dr. Grubb is a politician and egotist who'd already said some publicly demeaning things to and about me. So yeah, I could have said it more nicely, but when someone giving a presentation is thanking me for asking someone else to allow her to continue, I don't feel like I've done much wrong.
As it is, he still hasn't replied to the apology email I sent him, and I've written a much longer draft email reviewing some of the run-ins we've had - I'm going to have one of my classmates read it for tone, since I am definitely not being very objective about this. This episode has made me incredibly keyed up the last four days; I'm not sleeping well, and I'm running through a million bullshit scenarios that I know intellectually aren't going to pass, but good luck convincing my emotions of that. I go to bed feeling ecstatic and wake up with my mind telling me how I'm going to continue being insulted until I react and have my career derailed. I know it sounds ludicrous. It is. But I feel I'm walking very close to the line of what constitutes "unacceptable" behavior, and could easily lose my temper with him again...
Today's been particularly shitty. I woke up feeling like shit again, after sleeping five hours. I sat in bed and read The Lord of the Flies from beginning to end, which is not exactly a pick-me-up either. Anyway, by the time I rolled out of bed I had absolutely no drive to do anything, not eat, not read, not drink. The perfect activity would have been sitting by a fire watching things burn. I can pass hours that way, plus the dry heat is never unwelcome, especially in the winter. But since that wasn't available, I moped around with my brain spinning out scenarios of my career derailing and it started me onto a bit of a despondency. I'm wishing I spent more time bashfully resting my head on Laura G. when she was here yesterday.
Ryan K. and Laura W. have both expressed doubts as to whether it's a good idea for me to be so candid about my insecurities or feelings toward Laura G. since it's very possible she could be reading this after linking from my myspace page. I've considered whether or not it's a good idea myself, but I feel I've worked too long to be able to be this honest with myself to hold back. I don't want to feel I'm repressing something just because it may not place me in the most flattering light...and I have the confidence now that Laura will bring it up with me if there's something written here she doesn't feel good about.
Right now I'm staring another busy week in the face with no progress made on any of the work I'm letting pile up. I've got downloaded music from Lifetime, Bill Haley, and the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir to listen to, though. Who the fuck knows. Nothing's getting done tonight, that's for damn sure. Hopefully I can get some sleep. If not, hopefully it's because Laura decided to come over after work and we hang out until the early morning again.
My week has been altogether awesome and shitty at the same time. Well, not at exactly the same time; there were altogether shitty moments and altogether awesome moments.
Awesome moments included a lot of hanging out with Laura G. Late night hang-outs, a fucking kickass dinner we cooked together - really, she did about 90% of the food preparation and kept me busy with other things - several hours of lazing abed, and, oh, the conversation. Very smitten with that girl, I am.

I was able to meet up with Phil last night. It was fucking great. Stories were told. Laughter was made. Musical discussions were had. Beer was drunk. He met my girlfriend. Seriously, I think he and I were riffing off each other all night long. Phil managed to both irritate and make friends with the WNUR kids. It took us almost 20 minutes of Fast n Loud to get to our second song...
Friday I went to a hardcore show in the basement of Humility Gallery in east Pilsen. None of the bands were that great, but the vibe and the energy were totally worth it. Punk rock is probably the only genre where attitude and energy can get you past the not great music mark. But fuck it was cold. My feet were almost numb from the concrete floor when I left. There was unmelted snow by the door, and a few of the bands were playing with gloves on. The kid working the door mentioned he'd seen me at shows a few times and actually called out my Broadways jacket (which I wasn't wearing that night).
I cut my hair for the first time in a few weeks. It feels good to be short again. I hope Laura G. still rubs it as much as she was yesterday.
Topping out as one of the shittier parts of my week, I was threatened with expulsion from my residency. I was given my first and only written warning for being "intentionally rude to a faculty member." I think my tone may have been off, but what I said was, "Dr. Grubb, let Shana finish." And as Dr. Grubb was rebuking me for my comment, Shana was mouthing, "Thank you," to me as she waited to resume her second case presentation of the day. She thanked me again later. So I don't feel guilty, especially since Dr. Grubb is a politician and egotist who'd already said some publicly demeaning things to and about me. So yeah, I could have said it more nicely, but when someone giving a presentation is thanking me for asking someone else to allow her to continue, I don't feel like I've done much wrong.
As it is, he still hasn't replied to the apology email I sent him, and I've written a much longer draft email reviewing some of the run-ins we've had - I'm going to have one of my classmates read it for tone, since I am definitely not being very objective about this. This episode has made me incredibly keyed up the last four days; I'm not sleeping well, and I'm running through a million bullshit scenarios that I know intellectually aren't going to pass, but good luck convincing my emotions of that. I go to bed feeling ecstatic and wake up with my mind telling me how I'm going to continue being insulted until I react and have my career derailed. I know it sounds ludicrous. It is. But I feel I'm walking very close to the line of what constitutes "unacceptable" behavior, and could easily lose my temper with him again...
Today's been particularly shitty. I woke up feeling like shit again, after sleeping five hours. I sat in bed and read The Lord of the Flies from beginning to end, which is not exactly a pick-me-up either. Anyway, by the time I rolled out of bed I had absolutely no drive to do anything, not eat, not read, not drink. The perfect activity would have been sitting by a fire watching things burn. I can pass hours that way, plus the dry heat is never unwelcome, especially in the winter. But since that wasn't available, I moped around with my brain spinning out scenarios of my career derailing and it started me onto a bit of a despondency. I'm wishing I spent more time bashfully resting my head on Laura G. when she was here yesterday.
Ryan K. and Laura W. have both expressed doubts as to whether it's a good idea for me to be so candid about my insecurities or feelings toward Laura G. since it's very possible she could be reading this after linking from my myspace page. I've considered whether or not it's a good idea myself, but I feel I've worked too long to be able to be this honest with myself to hold back. I don't want to feel I'm repressing something just because it may not place me in the most flattering light...and I have the confidence now that Laura will bring it up with me if there's something written here she doesn't feel good about.
Right now I'm staring another busy week in the face with no progress made on any of the work I'm letting pile up. I've got downloaded music from Lifetime, Bill Haley, and the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir to listen to, though. Who the fuck knows. Nothing's getting done tonight, that's for damn sure. Hopefully I can get some sleep. If not, hopefully it's because Laura decided to come over after work and we hang out until the early morning again.
Stress-Induced Emotional Paralysis
Laying here gripped by inertia
My chest caving in and I can't separate why
Bumbling my way through
What I thought would be so easy
Can't I disengage my mind and coast on through my experiences?
Thinking in terms of endpoints
Trying to refute the dynamic continuity of life
Wondering what I've fucked up and what I can set right
But still my inertia holds me
I fall asleep joyfully
And wake up with twisted guts
And rapidly racing thoughts
I want to escape from the world
And feel selfishly safe
My chest caving in and I can't separate why
Bumbling my way through
What I thought would be so easy
Can't I disengage my mind and coast on through my experiences?
Thinking in terms of endpoints
Trying to refute the dynamic continuity of life
Wondering what I've fucked up and what I can set right
But still my inertia holds me
I fall asleep joyfully
And wake up with twisted guts
And rapidly racing thoughts
I want to escape from the world
And feel selfishly safe
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Maybe "Shut up; I'll tell you later," will work.
A few things.
I rode my bike to school this morning, there being only 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Stupid me, I turned off Ashland, which was relatively clear, and cut south on Paulina, which was a little bit of hard-pack in the tire tracks. Plenty of slipping and sliding, which would have been fun if I wasn't sweaty and late.

I rode my bike to school this morning, there being only 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Stupid me, I didn't check the weather forecast in the last few days and didn't realize it was supposed to keep snowing for the next 32 hours. I lost my U-pass a few weeks ago, so if I took CTA home I'd have had to both pay and walk my bike in the snow a ways. Luckily, Ryan was able to give me a ride home in his Jeep.
I taught the dental students this afternoon. It was fun. I really enjoy teaching, and it's weird to have them looking at me as if I'm possessed of amazing skills in orthodontia. My, how the tables have turned.
I still haven't told my parents about Laura G. My dad just called to ask me out to dinner with them on Thursday, for his and my mother's day late Valentine's Day date. He also said I could invite someone to come with, and I answered with a noncommital, "I'll see." I think Laura will have to work, but I will ask her. How to explain to my parents? I dunno. Maybe "Shut up; I'll tell you later," will work. I have a pretty severe lack of emotional trust in my parents; I think I've been let down by their lack of support too many times in the past to risk relying on it any more.
I'm still somewhat reticent around Laura. I'm a little intimidated by her confidence and adventurousness. Two things I've never really felt strongly about myself. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great, they make her even more attractive. But I'm discovering I fear she'll find me unexciting and boring.
What the fuck is up with my insecurities? Whenever I'm able to strip away a layer of my shit, there's something new looking up at me. Is this normal?
I rode my bike to school this morning, there being only 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Stupid me, I turned off Ashland, which was relatively clear, and cut south on Paulina, which was a little bit of hard-pack in the tire tracks. Plenty of slipping and sliding, which would have been fun if I wasn't sweaty and late.

I rode my bike to school this morning, there being only 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Stupid me, I didn't check the weather forecast in the last few days and didn't realize it was supposed to keep snowing for the next 32 hours. I lost my U-pass a few weeks ago, so if I took CTA home I'd have had to both pay and walk my bike in the snow a ways. Luckily, Ryan was able to give me a ride home in his Jeep.
I taught the dental students this afternoon. It was fun. I really enjoy teaching, and it's weird to have them looking at me as if I'm possessed of amazing skills in orthodontia. My, how the tables have turned.
I still haven't told my parents about Laura G. My dad just called to ask me out to dinner with them on Thursday, for his and my mother's day late Valentine's Day date. He also said I could invite someone to come with, and I answered with a noncommital, "I'll see." I think Laura will have to work, but I will ask her. How to explain to my parents? I dunno. Maybe "Shut up; I'll tell you later," will work. I have a pretty severe lack of emotional trust in my parents; I think I've been let down by their lack of support too many times in the past to risk relying on it any more.
I'm still somewhat reticent around Laura. I'm a little intimidated by her confidence and adventurousness. Two things I've never really felt strongly about myself. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great, they make her even more attractive. But I'm discovering I fear she'll find me unexciting and boring.
What the fuck is up with my insecurities? Whenever I'm able to strip away a layer of my shit, there's something new looking up at me. Is this normal?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I've been sharing her watermelon lip gloss, in the fun way.
I realize it's been a bit since I've posted anything, but I've been busy. Right now I'm fucking tired, too. I'm yawning about every fifteen seconds, so I probably won't write too much.
Thursday, Laura G. and I went to Twist for tapas and ate a shitload, drank a bottle of wine, and then headed over to Margie's for sundaes. We sat next to each other and talked and generally enjoyed contact with each other. We fell asleep on my couch until she had to go home.
Friday she ended up not having to work her second job, so we got some food and again fell asleep talking on the couch before she went home and I went to meet Laura W. for the show at the Note. Saturday we played phone tag all day and still managed to talk for over an hour during the course of multiple phone calls. On a related note, I had to get the text message add-on for my cell phone plan. (I still prefer real voices, though.)
Today we hung out all afternoon, even though a good portion of that involved napping again. We went up to Alicia's opening at the Charleston in Bucktown, and then to Swim Cafe for the Big Yes! Yes! Valentine's Day Show, which was pretty damn fun.
Those who know me well know that I'm rarely at a loss for conversation, but I still feel a little self-conscious around her. This is probably because she's much more outgoing than I've ever been, and because I don't want her to feel intimidated like I know other of my friends have felt around me as they got to know me. I'm getting better, though.
I suppose I should take a picture of her sometime so people can know what she looks like, but until then, suck on this, which has absolutely nothing to do with Laura G.
Thursday, Laura G. and I went to Twist for tapas and ate a shitload, drank a bottle of wine, and then headed over to Margie's for sundaes. We sat next to each other and talked and generally enjoyed contact with each other. We fell asleep on my couch until she had to go home.
Friday she ended up not having to work her second job, so we got some food and again fell asleep talking on the couch before she went home and I went to meet Laura W. for the show at the Note. Saturday we played phone tag all day and still managed to talk for over an hour during the course of multiple phone calls. On a related note, I had to get the text message add-on for my cell phone plan. (I still prefer real voices, though.)
Today we hung out all afternoon, even though a good portion of that involved napping again. We went up to Alicia's opening at the Charleston in Bucktown, and then to Swim Cafe for the Big Yes! Yes! Valentine's Day Show, which was pretty damn fun.
Those who know me well know that I'm rarely at a loss for conversation, but I still feel a little self-conscious around her. This is probably because she's much more outgoing than I've ever been, and because I don't want her to feel intimidated like I know other of my friends have felt around me as they got to know me. I'm getting better, though.
I suppose I should take a picture of her sometime so people can know what she looks like, but until then, suck on this, which has absolutely nothing to do with Laura G.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Posted to the bikewinter listserv:
hnk wrote:
> One last comment-- apparently this is "drive like an asshole" week-- I
> must have missed the announcement on the news or wherever
Due to the extreme popularity of the event, they stopped making the announcements and finally decided to simply make EVERY week "drive like an asshole" week. In a striking display of efficiency, they've renamed the now-daily event simply "drive."
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
No representin'.
One of the things that annoys me about these ass-freezingly cold winter days is when I'm wearing a great fucking shirt and no one else sees it. No one saw the Slackers shirt I wore today, and it looks good, even if it is a few years old. I couldn't represent. Oh, well. I did upset Shana last week with my "Idiot Son of an Asshole" shirt.
I actually got sweaty on my way home today. A new front fender got put on the bike, and I managed to get chain grease all over the white waffle-shirt I was wearing. It looks cool.
I actually got sweaty on my way home today. A new front fender got put on the bike, and I managed to get chain grease all over the white waffle-shirt I was wearing. It looks cool.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I told her I'd probably spend my night drinking beer and listening to music.
Rohini mentioned today that I looked sad; I told her I was feeling maudlin about my prospects for the evening. My date was postponed and I ended up writing - after reading the articles for - two of my reviews due on Thursday, although at the point I spoke with her I was still on the reading phase. I told her I'd probably spend my night drinking beer and listening to music.
I fell asleep on my arm for so long, there was an impression of my ear and stubble in the skin. It reminds me of the mesh impression of my shirt on Laura G.'s face when she got up to leave last Thursday. Thinking of her smile right now almost makes me want to cry, but I'm not sure from what.
The front fender of my bike broke off yesterday; it probably became too brittle from the cold. It snowed today, 2-3 inches. This means that when I came home at 8:45pm, many of the streets were slushy. Combined with the lack of a front fender, this demonstrated the potential to seriously dirty up my legs. Normally I wouldn't give a shit - stains are memories, after all - but I'm wearing nice enough pants for school. I rode home very slowly, and my MP3 player was giving me trouble - probably because I dropped it - so I had no tunes either. This all put me in a pretty bad mood.
I got home and checked the MP3 player; it seems to be working now, so no warrantee run (yet). That cheered me a bit. I heated up the filet mignon - steak and potatoes! - left over from Sunday, and opened the bottle of Three Floyds' Gumballhead Beer I've been eyeing since my trip to the liquor store Saturday evening. And it was good, and I felt better for the most part. I'd rather be taking Laura G. out for drinks like I was excited to do yesterday. Right now I'm spending my night drinking beer and listening to music.
I fell asleep on my arm for so long, there was an impression of my ear and stubble in the skin. It reminds me of the mesh impression of my shirt on Laura G.'s face when she got up to leave last Thursday. Thinking of her smile right now almost makes me want to cry, but I'm not sure from what.
The front fender of my bike broke off yesterday; it probably became too brittle from the cold. It snowed today, 2-3 inches. This means that when I came home at 8:45pm, many of the streets were slushy. Combined with the lack of a front fender, this demonstrated the potential to seriously dirty up my legs. Normally I wouldn't give a shit - stains are memories, after all - but I'm wearing nice enough pants for school. I rode home very slowly, and my MP3 player was giving me trouble - probably because I dropped it - so I had no tunes either. This all put me in a pretty bad mood.
I got home and checked the MP3 player; it seems to be working now, so no warrantee run (yet). That cheered me a bit. I heated up the filet mignon - steak and potatoes! - left over from Sunday, and opened the bottle of Three Floyds' Gumballhead Beer I've been eyeing since my trip to the liquor store Saturday evening. And it was good, and I felt better for the most part. I'd rather be taking Laura G. out for drinks like I was excited to do yesterday. Right now I'm spending my night drinking beer and listening to music.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Was it inevitable? I dunno.
I talked to Laura G.; she's going out of town on a retreat tomorrow, so our date got pushed back to Thursday.
Florists have been located. Fingers have been crossed.
Florists have been located. Fingers have been crossed.
Current forecast: ass-cold with a high probability of positive thinking.
I went out to dinner from school tonight, planning to return and grab my bag and shit and ride home, but we got back after the building had hit lock-down. Now, in the past I could always yank one of the doors open past the lock, but they recently replaced that door. Goddamnit! Ryan was nice enough to give me a ride home and pick me up in the morning in time for my 7am lecture, despite it being early for him. "It'll spur me to get some shit done," he said. Nice guy.
Tish Nihill asked me to see if I have any cases she can display on the OSCE exam she has to administer to the dental students, so I need to look into that tomorrow. I was able to get my hands on two of the three articles I need to review for Thursday.
Laura G. and I are supposed to get drinks tomorrow. Or rather, I offered to take her out for drinks, and she told me tomorrow is good. I have a (tiny) nagging suspicion that it'll turn out for nought, though, but I can hold out hope.
Since my bag and shit got left at school, I really have no work to do, even if I wanted to - and I never do at home. So really, nothing much changed, except I didn't have to freeze my snot on the way home tonight or tomorrow morning.
I'm feeling a bit tired, plus I had a 22oz margarita with dinner, so I think I'm gonna hit the shower and bed so I can be rested for my date tomorrow despite getting up an hour or more before dawn. But first check out this piece by David Rovics which was posted to the Chicago Critical Mass listserv.
Tish Nihill asked me to see if I have any cases she can display on the OSCE exam she has to administer to the dental students, so I need to look into that tomorrow. I was able to get my hands on two of the three articles I need to review for Thursday.
Laura G. and I are supposed to get drinks tomorrow. Or rather, I offered to take her out for drinks, and she told me tomorrow is good. I have a (tiny) nagging suspicion that it'll turn out for nought, though, but I can hold out hope.
Since my bag and shit got left at school, I really have no work to do, even if I wanted to - and I never do at home. So really, nothing much changed, except I didn't have to freeze my snot on the way home tonight or tomorrow morning.
I'm feeling a bit tired, plus I had a 22oz margarita with dinner, so I think I'm gonna hit the shower and bed so I can be rested for my date tomorrow despite getting up an hour or more before dawn. But first check out this piece by David Rovics which was posted to the Chicago Critical Mass listserv.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Insanity and Beer
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I think I'm driving myself insane over Laura G., and for no good reason. I just wish she'd keep in touch better, since I feel like I'm left hanging. I think I'm just getting impatient because I want to spend more time with her and get to know her better. Shit, I know she's into me, and is just really busy and maybe not the best respondent. Time, time, time, time, time. Repeat. Get that into your fucking head, Darren.
I spent over $130 on beer last night, and then had to go warm up the car during Fast n Loud so it wouldn't freeze (the beer, not the car). Travis's beer froze after leaving it out on the steps for 45 minutes. My beer was safe.
I went to my parents' little dinner party tonight, had some super-succulent pepper-crusted filet mignon. Couldn't imagine a better steak. Kamiar gave me half a case of Special Export since he didn't want to take it home. Cheap beer to hand out at Critical Mass, maybe? We'll see. I don't think I've ever bought beer in cans.
I spent over $130 on beer last night, and then had to go warm up the car during Fast n Loud so it wouldn't freeze (the beer, not the car). Travis's beer froze after leaving it out on the steps for 45 minutes. My beer was safe.
I went to my parents' little dinner party tonight, had some super-succulent pepper-crusted filet mignon. Couldn't imagine a better steak. Kamiar gave me half a case of Special Export since he didn't want to take it home. Cheap beer to hand out at Critical Mass, maybe? We'll see. I don't think I've ever bought beer in cans.
Wardrobe (mal)function.
I got dressed today. It's fucking cold. I put on track pants, and thick socks, and my thickest sneakers. And a wool hat. Except my hat and shoes are blue and my socks are bright orange. Today is the Stupidbowl and the Bears are playing. I'm kind of annoyed that I inadvertently dressed to show support when I have none, but fuck if I'm going to change for fashion's sake.
Books, Vitality, and Decay
I went to my parents' place last night, primarily to do laundry, but also a free dinner wasn't looked down upon. I ended up snagging six books off their bookshelves, to add to my to-be-read shelf - if there's any room left on it. Those six are:
Eric Berne, M.D., Games People PlayAdd that to two the two books I'm currently reading:
George Orwell, 1984
Michael Harrington, The Other America: Poverty in the United States
Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class: The Challenging Analysis of Social Conduct that Ironically Probes Misused Wealth and Conspicuous Consumption
John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
Paul Krugman, The Age of Diminished Expectations
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag ArchipelagoAnd consider the rest of the shelf:
Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene
Making Stuff and Doing Things: A Collection of DIY Guides to Doing Just About EverythingObviously, I like to list and organize things. Be glad I didn't put that in alphabetical order.
Lost In Darkness: The Journal of Ordinary Thought, Spring 2002
Chicago Review 51:1/2, Spring 2005
Chicago Review 51:4 & 52:1, Spring 2006
Tri-Quarterly 122
Other Voices 43, Fall/Winter 2005
JRR Tolkien, The Silmarillion
JRR Tolkien, A Tolkien Miscellany
JRR Tolkien, The Book of Lost Tales
Lawrence Pintak, Seeds of Hate: How America's flawed Middle East Policy ignited the jihad
Andre Dubus III, The House of Sand and Fog
Paul Krugman, Peddling Prosperity
William Golding, Lord of the Flies
Thomas Gallager, Paddy's Lament: Ireland 1846-1847, Prelude to Hatred
Barry Polansky, DMD, The Art of the Examination: Why Patient Care Goes Beyond Clinical Correctness
Michael Albert, Parecon: Life After Capitalism
Another Chicago Magazine 46
Douglas Coupland, Life After God
Douglas Coupland, Polaroids From the Dead
Robin Shepard, The Best Breweries and Brewpubs of Illinois: Search For the Perfect Pint
Jon Savage, England's Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond
Bill Bryson, A Walk In the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail
Hatred of Capitalism/ A Semiotext(e) Reader
Brian Morris, Ecology and Anarchism: Essays and Reviews on Contemporary Thought
Clinton Heylin, From the Velvets to the Voidoids: A Pre-Punk History for a Post-Punk World
Insiders' Guide: Off the Beaten Path: Chicago
Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes
William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West

Saturday, February 03, 2007
The Art of Languaging; Keep It Simple, Sugartits.
Finally done with the at times interminable two-day lecture on The Alexander Discipline. Which really isn't as ridiculous as I thought it would be. There were a few good things I drew from it. One of their "principles" was "Keep It Simple, Sir," or "Keep It Simple, Sweetheart." Moody (the lecturer) pointed out that yes, it was a PC version of "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Neal, sitting next to me, promptly asks me, "How about 'Keep It Simple, Sugartits?'" And today's great quote was Moody talking about communicating to patients using "The Art of Languaging." I can't make this stuff up. Seriously, I wish I could, because it's some funny shit.
We got done around 3pm; I spent two hours mapping out every AAO member orthodontist who practices in Chicago. Or rather, just getting a list of them off the clunky-ass website. I still have to map them out on my wall.
I tried to take a nap, since it'll be a 20-hour day for me after I get home from WNUR, but despite feeling tired, no sleep came. Fuck. Tomorrow will be a groggy day, and I think I have a paper due on Thursday morning. I'll find out on Monday exactly what I have to read, I guess.
We got done around 3pm; I spent two hours mapping out every AAO member orthodontist who practices in Chicago. Or rather, just getting a list of them off the clunky-ass website. I still have to map them out on my wall.
I tried to take a nap, since it'll be a 20-hour day for me after I get home from WNUR, but despite feeling tired, no sleep came. Fuck. Tomorrow will be a groggy day, and I think I have a paper due on Thursday morning. I'll find out on Monday exactly what I have to read, I guess.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Smart people underperform when it's too goddamn early.
I'm going through the registration for the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session in May. There's a course titled "Why Smart People Underperform: Attention, Distraction, And Productivity." This may seem like a good course, but was it really a good idea to schedule it at 8:00am? I sure as hell didn't even look at any of the courses that started before noon.
As it is, I only registered for the free reception. I'll look around and get ideas of equipment and work on my practice vision. And explore Seattle with other ortho nerds, looking to get a feel for the city and outside of some beer.
Right now I'm starving, so dinner, shower, and bed are all calling my name.
As it is, I only registered for the free reception. I'll look around and get ideas of equipment and work on my practice vision. And explore Seattle with other ortho nerds, looking to get a feel for the city and outside of some beer.
Right now I'm starving, so dinner, shower, and bed are all calling my name.
Today's gonna be a boring day, I know it. I'm not interested in what i'm doing, I show it.
Well, today was a boring day, I know it. Nothing really new or groundbreaking was presented. I dismissed most of the claims made by our two presenters due to the research I'm familiar with. I fell asleep sitting up and woke up when I almost fell out of my chair sideways.
I have to be back for more by 8am tomorrow. Fuckin' A. Not only does this kill most of my Saturday, but it does a good number on my Friday night as well. It's not like I had any big plans, though. I played solitaire for a bit, read a few things online. I'm yawning now, so I may just drug myself to sleep a little early tonight.
This morning during our morning seminar, I pointed out a clinical need for a procedure to Dr. Grubb, and he proceded to tell the story of how his youngest daughter's boyfriend called to ask permission to marry her. He had told me this story yesterday, and my comment then was to ask why the boyfriend didn't call him by his first name; his response was to ask how many girlfriends whose parents I'd addressed by first name I was still together with. His response to my clinical challenge was to relate a story which ended in him making fun of me. I started referring to him as "John-Boy" and had to define "vindictive" for him later on.
I forgot to eat dinner last night, and I can easily see a repetition tonight.
It's fucking cold. My heat is still staying off, but I'm sitting next to my space heater. I'm doing OK, but I'm loath to go out anywhere.
I wrote this Wednesday night between showering and falling asleep. I don't know what it's worth.
I have to be back for more by 8am tomorrow. Fuckin' A. Not only does this kill most of my Saturday, but it does a good number on my Friday night as well. It's not like I had any big plans, though. I played solitaire for a bit, read a few things online. I'm yawning now, so I may just drug myself to sleep a little early tonight.
This morning during our morning seminar, I pointed out a clinical need for a procedure to Dr. Grubb, and he proceded to tell the story of how his youngest daughter's boyfriend called to ask permission to marry her. He had told me this story yesterday, and my comment then was to ask why the boyfriend didn't call him by his first name; his response was to ask how many girlfriends whose parents I'd addressed by first name I was still together with. His response to my clinical challenge was to relate a story which ended in him making fun of me. I started referring to him as "John-Boy" and had to define "vindictive" for him later on.
I forgot to eat dinner last night, and I can easily see a repetition tonight.
It's fucking cold. My heat is still staying off, but I'm sitting next to my space heater. I'm doing OK, but I'm loath to go out anywhere.
I wrote this Wednesday night between showering and falling asleep. I don't know what it's worth.
"I kissed you," she pointed out.This doesn't really apply right now, but I had it written down and felt something should be done with it.
When her arms went around me
in the dead night
drawing me from my excited sleep
making me the little spoon
the feeling was mutual.
I think.
A physical display of affection.
In retrospect
how large a role did lonely longing play
in her part or mine?
And why has she disappeared
after a week of fun and flirting?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
The smell of her lingering on my shirt
This is kind of pathetic, but it worked out well for me. After I told myself I'd wait for Laura G. to call me, I was looking at her myspace page and she'd written something about feeling lonely and whatnot, so I gave her a call. She called me back while running errands in her pajamas, and ended up coming over. She was tired as hell since she's been working like crazy. She said she was about to fall over, and I said that was no problem, just fall in my direction.
We sat on the couch and talked and flirted. She called me "love" and "honey" in such a way that I barely caught them. She burped loudly while drinking beer. We kissed some. She asked me to pet her. We fell asleep, entangled on the couch listening to music, and then she had to go home.
I know I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment, but when I think of how I feel - and how good she looked sitting on my couch in old sweats with her hood over her head, and how she'd gently grab onto the front of my shirt when we were laying on the couch, and her dimpled smile, and the brightness of her green eyes, the smell of her lingering on my shirt - I don't care.
A few weeks ago, Liv told me to not worry about anything like that, since it won't really change how things work out. She was right; the fact that I've stopped expecting anything to really happen over the last few weeks actually made it easier for me to relax and be myself tonight. It was good.
Patience, grasshopper.
Now that I think about it, I have enough free time and definitely enough work to do to keep me busy most of the time that I don't have social plans in the works. Rather than feel sorry for myself and pine over Laura G. like I did for a bit last week, I can spend the time and get shit done. Getting myself busy has always worked well for me in the past. I know there's an element of escapism to it, but at least in this case the escapism is at loggerheads with my procrastination. It'll feel good to have less shit hanging over my head anyway.
Speaking of Liv, she sent me photos of Eszti's puppies today. Fuck, I wish I could go and just watch them right now.
I have an all-day lecture tomorrow and Saturday. It should prove educational, informative, boring, dogmatic, and ridiculous, I suspect. I mean, Hell, it's called "The Alexander Discipline" and it's being presented by two of the Drs. Alexander (of many). Some of their principles rub me the wrong way already, such as their focus on centric relation, having "mandibular incisors balanced on basal bone," and (I think) feeling wisdom tooth extraction aids retention. Non-dentists (or even non-orthodontists) will probably not understand why I feel so, but those positions have the weight of history behind them, with absolutely no quality research in support. And people have come to fighting over them. Crazy, I know. I'm obviously in the skeptic/"that's bullshit!" camp.
Ok, I just did some text message flirting, and now I must go to sleep or I will be super-deadsville tomorrow.
We sat on the couch and talked and flirted. She called me "love" and "honey" in such a way that I barely caught them. She burped loudly while drinking beer. We kissed some. She asked me to pet her. We fell asleep, entangled on the couch listening to music, and then she had to go home.
I know I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment, but when I think of how I feel - and how good she looked sitting on my couch in old sweats with her hood over her head, and how she'd gently grab onto the front of my shirt when we were laying on the couch, and her dimpled smile, and the brightness of her green eyes, the smell of her lingering on my shirt - I don't care.
A few weeks ago, Liv told me to not worry about anything like that, since it won't really change how things work out. She was right; the fact that I've stopped expecting anything to really happen over the last few weeks actually made it easier for me to relax and be myself tonight. It was good.
Patience, grasshopper.
Now that I think about it, I have enough free time and definitely enough work to do to keep me busy most of the time that I don't have social plans in the works. Rather than feel sorry for myself and pine over Laura G. like I did for a bit last week, I can spend the time and get shit done. Getting myself busy has always worked well for me in the past. I know there's an element of escapism to it, but at least in this case the escapism is at loggerheads with my procrastination. It'll feel good to have less shit hanging over my head anyway.
Speaking of Liv, she sent me photos of Eszti's puppies today. Fuck, I wish I could go and just watch them right now.
I have an all-day lecture tomorrow and Saturday. It should prove educational, informative, boring, dogmatic, and ridiculous, I suspect. I mean, Hell, it's called "The Alexander Discipline" and it's being presented by two of the Drs. Alexander (of many). Some of their principles rub me the wrong way already, such as their focus on centric relation, having "mandibular incisors balanced on basal bone," and (I think) feeling wisdom tooth extraction aids retention. Non-dentists (or even non-orthodontists) will probably not understand why I feel so, but those positions have the weight of history behind them, with absolutely no quality research in support. And people have come to fighting over them. Crazy, I know. I'm obviously in the skeptic/"that's bullshit!" camp.
Ok, I just did some text message flirting, and now I must go to sleep or I will be super-deadsville tomorrow.
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